CityXcape FAQ

Those who are new to CityXcape often fall in one of two categories. The first group thinks the app is simple and provides no information that cannot be found on Google or Yelp. People in the second group, however see the value- but do not understand the mechanism. To clear both ambiguities, I have identified the common questions that provide the ah-ha moment when answered. Here they are:

What is CityXcape

CityXcape App

CityXcape is an app to find secret spots for a world. The CityXcape app doesn't just show secret spots outright to its users however. Instead, it shows heat areas that indicates where secret spots are located. It is up to the user to go in that heat zone and discover where the secret spot is exactly. Don't worry, CityXcape help you find the secret spot by providing clues when you get near the heat area.

What is a World?


A world is a community of people that share a common ritual. A world has its own values, rules, language, and leaders. What may be admired in one world can be totally despised in another. Examples of worlds are Fashionistas, Vegans, Skaters, LGBTQ, Artists, etc. Worlds are the primary way secret spots remain hidden. Different world means different secret spots!

What are Secret Spots?


A secret spot can be broadly defined as a location or service within a city that is not widely known. A secret spot can be anything, as long people in that world deem it legit. A secret spot can be a hill with a view, a free parking area in the city, a hidden art gallery, or a common gathering place for members of a world, etc. Since worlds have different rituals, secret spots will vary from world to world.

How are Secret Spots Kept Hidden?


Secret spots are kept hidden by two systems. A system of worlds, and a system of reputation called ‘Streetcred’. The system of worlds is straightforward, different worlds mean different secret spots. A person who joins CityXcape as a skater will see very different secret spots than someone who joined as an artist.

CityXcape also uses a system of reputation to maintain secrecy. Each time an individual adds or verifies a secret spot, he or she earns streetcred, a social currency that represents value added to the community. Two people belonging to the same world may still see very different maps depending on their contributions. The person with higher streetcred will see newer and more valuable secret spots while the other who is brand new to a world will see entry level secret spots rightly called ‘tourist spots’. See more on ranks here.

Who uses CityXcape?

Camera guy

While we all enjoy the benefits of secret spots, finding them can be difficult. That is because secret spots are often purposely hidden by members in that world to keep outsiders from invading their space. It takes a special kind of character to find secret spots, almost like a spy. CityXcape calls the brave urban explorers who find secret spots ‘Scouts’. Click here to learn more about scouts.

How can I get the App?

CityXcape App

CityXcape has been launched on the Apple App Store. Those of you who have android will have to join the waitlist. The iOS folks however, can use the button below to download CityXcape. Be sure to post some cool secret spots in your city after you sign up.

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